Originally posted on 07/08/2016:

Not going read any posts in here because I will probably just angry and I am getting to old for that. I will say as a former law enforcement officer last night saddens me. Our country has been going down hill for a while with the racist feelings on both sides and this tops it off. I wake up this morning feeling I am in a third world country where cops being killed are the norm. It's not suppose to happen here. We are better then this. 2 wrongs don't make a right. 99.9 of our police force are good people and yes we have our bad apples there is no excuse for this. If people think a cop shoots a guy in a car because he is black they are either ramped up or stupid. No cop even if he racist is not going throw his life away just to shoot a random black man in a car. These situations happen because of the environment we are in where cops are so on guard and on edge some make wrong costly and stupid mistakes. But if we are going live in a country where cops are targeted like nothing then all law and order will go out the window and this country will not be a pleasant place to live anymore. No matter what race, or class of person we are we need to stop this nonsense and work together to end the volience. Like I said I didn't read any comments because I have lost to many and to see people posting comments just to be funny which I am sure are on here is just to upsetting for me
Just my two cents