Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25912966'>posted</a> on 06/23/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post

Here's the difference: If my faith is wrong, I'll be no worse off than you when 6 feet under. But if I'm right, Atheists will be suffering in eternal Hell, while I'll be in the book of life enjoying eternal paradise. You may want to think about how short this life is, compared to an eternal afterlife.

But if you prefer to play Russian Roulette with your soul, that's your poor decision.

Of all the Christian arrogance. This is #1. They so often claim if they are wrong then they lose nothing.


The quoran clearly says " anyone who believes jesus is the son of god will be cast into hell".

So ur wrong.

If ur religion is 100% perfect ( its not ) then atheists go to hell.

If it turns out pretty much any other telivion is perfect then you go to hell.