Originally posted on 05/09/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
remember the good old days when they used to give you interest rates when you kept your money in the savings account?

they will soon implement a negative interest rate. that's right, they are gonna charge you to keep your money in the bank.

if you have extra cash, stack silver, gold, or put it in crypto currencies. you can thank me later.
Good advice. Might as well also stack some guns and ammo while at it and look into acquiring some farmland near a clean water source. As the fiat dollar implodes crime will only get worse as people become poorer and more desperate and clean water and organic food will become more expensive. And I'm not talking about the fluoridated tap water that most Americans drink either, I'm talking real fresh water from the Earth. Older cars and primitive communication systems will become valuable as well after the EMP pops off and/or the century old power grid gets hacked or blown, but that's far too advanced for most Americans to comprehend.