Originally posted on 05/06/2016:

'Player... as long as you move in this world with good intentions while never conspiring to do intentional harm, you're batting far better than most in this (oft times) fukked up Game o' Life, and that's something you should be proud in achieving.

Life ain't easy. You can't control other people's actions or perceptions (regardless of blood relation), so... Let That Go.

There's more going on here than meets the eye... science proves that, forget the religious nonsense; your heart knows right from wrong, follow that instinct and always take comfort in knowing everything will be OK, ultimately, if you do so. Your mom continues to know your heart's intentions, make her proud of you going forward with how you come out the other side from all these feelings you're experiencing.

Only worry about controlling yourself; your siblings perceptions (or any others) don't matter. Work hard to release the anger you may hold toward others, for that's not important in getting you to where you need to go in the back-half of your life's journey.

Peace, health & happiness to you going forward.