Originally posted on 03/31/2016:

from my viewpoint, Kasich is the only guy left in the hunt that won't totally fuk the country.....

I thought we might be ok with Trump, but that dumbass has shown no interest in even boning up on shit that most kids learn in 7th grade gov't class.... He has no clue how the gov't even works ("I'd nominate supreme court justices who would investigate Hillary Clinton") -- this dumbass actually said that shit!!!! Hey Trump, it's not any justice's job to investigate anyone..... He's clueless as to how gov't even functions, and has no clue what issues face us via foreign policy....

And Ted Scruz???? don't even get me started about Ol Layin' Ted Scruz..... send this foot-fetish sportin' sapiosexual packing....

Here's hoping for a brokered convention that winds up naming Kasich as the nominee.....