Originally posted on 03/22/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
Steve, I've been in your shoes, and I know that you're going to pull through. Just be patient, and keep doing what your doctors tell you. Like my doctor told me, it took a while for my body to get to the point it had. It's going to take a little while to get it back to the way it should be. God bless you, sir! I'm praying for you.
Tyvm KLC. Yeah man when 1st out of the hospital I could hardly walk a short distance without needing to sit and/or possibly vomit...much better than that now and thankful for that. I feel mostly normal now just need the kidneys to get on that page as well.

Really appreciate the support brother we are sbr's fallen heros but we get up and punch back

FYI I see Corbin encouraging you to get divorced again and no matter what condition I'm in he will be on the pavement.