Originally posted on 01/20/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by opie1988 View Post
My mother-in-law bought both my wife and myself an Apple Watch for Christmas. I was pretty surprised, as this is not something I would have ever considered buying for myself. At first I was really skeptical, but seeing how excited she was to give it to me, I knew returning it wasn't an option.

After messing around with it for a couple of weeks....I can admit that I kind of like it. I wore a Fitbit prior to this, and I've gotten to the point now I'm using the Apple Watch entirely in its place. It's fitness tracker far exceeds the Fitbit, imo. I don't sleep in it, but I didn't wear my Fitbit at night either. I rarely use the phone feature, because I still feel like you look like a complete douche talking into your watch. I have had a couple of instances where my phone was in my truck or whatever, and I took a quick call. It worked great. Texts work well also. Overall, id have to say that I have become a fan.

Curious if any others out there use one as well, and what the overall opinions are?? Do tell....
Ummmm.... Opie, just wearing an Apple watch makes you look like a complete douche.

But if you are happy with it then who cares what people think of you.