Originally posted on 01/14/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post
Sure, my wagering volume.
what really screams well off is wwaves xmas tree photo..... I wasn't going to publish his tree, but now I have to, as nothing screams "well off" more than a pathetic ass artificial tree WITH NOT A SINGLE GIFT UNDER IT......

Little B is too cheap to even buy a skirt for his lame tree..... instead it sits on a piece of plywood due to his carpet being too worn out to support the stand by itself......

poor scammer too broke to even have an angel or star on top of the tree...........

without further ado, a glimpse of "Small b's BDF Lonely X-mas":

ps, Small b, you now know what is yet another drawback at x-mas time: those hookers you pay to let u climb on top of them and try to smile -- to attempt to hide their true disgust of you -- as you thump away for about 10-20 pumps before letting loose sure as hell don't remember you at Christmas time.... you don't get X-mas gifts from whores.....