Originally posted on 01/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by louisvillekid View Post
Ok, I need enlighting. So this harmful chemical "Soy Lecithin" is banned in numerous other countries. It is found or PUT in 90% of our food supply. And the theory is population control.
So what % of the population is only eating the 10% of non Soy Lecithin food? I need to know exactly what specific trade the Illuminati needs to keep America running. I wanna be with the elite group, I love cults.
I'll help you out a little bit of what I eat. When I get asked my age by numerous people wherever I go, they think I'm lying that I'm 34 years old. They swear up and down that I'm lying and tell me that I'm 23 or 24 years old.

Now, I don't know about any elite groups or illuminati; but I do know a wealth of information about Nutrition. I got my Bachelor's degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Texas. There are certain foods you should avoid like the plague that accelerates aging.

These foods to avoid are: Starches, Wheat, Corn, Soy, Potaotoes, etc. Any starch is bad for your body. Starch ferments inside your body and creates sugar and alcohol. What alcohol does is accelerate aging and the destruction of organs inside of your body. Not to mention, you will always be in a pissed off mood as alcohol raises your blood pressure and lipids all day. If this isn't bad enough; alcohol also destroys your brain cells. This is why you will see 1 Million commercials about beer on TV and sporting events all day. They want you to keep eating starches and drinking alcohol, so you can have alcohol running through your system 24 hours a day. Alcohol is the #3 cause of death in North America.

Now, to the foods that are good. The following list can be bought at any whole foods market or health store. These are natural grains that are great for your body and have been around for Tens of thousands of years on earth. They are: AMARANTH, QUINOA, KAMUT, SPELT, TEFF, AND RYE. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can eat. For safe sweeteners, you can use: DATE SUGAR AND COCONUT SYRUP.

Now, I'm not going to sit around here all day and argue and debate this. I was just trying to help the people who wanted help. I like helping people if they want or are seeking help. If anybody has any more questions or are serious about learning anything else; just PM me and I'll be happy to reply whenever I get back on here. I left a link at the bottom to give an idea of what foods are great for your body.
