Originally posted on 12/29/2015:

'Trump gives voice to those disgusted with boundless liberal progressive policies which, by most measures are failing,
are transforming the US into a state that bears little resemblance to that which existed prior to the launch of the
Great Society program & The Immigration Act of 1965. Many, including supporters of Trump, are nauseated with
continuing efforts to be politically correct; apologizing for being white; abandoning much of the traditional celebration
of Christmas; failing to secure our borders; rewriting history; chronic abuse of entitlement programs; ongoing efforts
to blur gender distinctions; unending pressures to embrace multiculturalism; a failing public school system; a dilution
of state rights; failure to acknowledge the existence of Islamic extremism; a liberal media that reports on what we
should think,and failing to hold individuals responsible for their circumstances. Combine the foregoing with globalization
and technological advances which gutted the middle class, it should come as no surprise that Trump is popular.'