Originally posted on 12/09/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
So you deny that Isis is using Trumps words for recruiting? You do know they teach recruits that the west hates them right? Laughable that you think Isis isn't happy as hell to have Trump he's perfect. The Ugly loud racist American. My mind isn't made up I just see things as they are. What have I said here that isn't true by all means shoot them down or bring them to light.


We should hate ISIS.
They're terrorist. They know who they are.
They can recruit whoever the hell they want, they might not last another year, anyways. The Russians and the French might wipe them out, anyways.

Trump wants to protect the borders against terrorist- not Muslims. that has been taken out of context, by sensationalized media.

Trump also believes Syrian refugees should not be fleeing, but fighting for their country.
Also, with the high number of refugees w/o proper vetting, may open a chance for a terrorist to slip in and do some damage inside our borders.

Obama said that this was supposed to be a vetting process that takes 18months to 2 years. But last week, we already have Syrian refugees.
Possible security risk, already.

But, here we go with the race remarks, the Adolph Hitler comparisons. When all Trump is trying to speak of is common sense.