Originally posted on 11/14/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post
Muslims are not an organization stupid. You are generalizing muslims and terrorists into one group which is incredibly ignorant. my comment to your original post is that you are saying basically all muslims are terrorists killing people and no one else does this to which there are millions of examples of groups in America that kill innocents on a daily basis. Maybe they dont use bombs but they use guns or something else. School shootings happen at least twice a year and suprise its by disgruntled white Americans. Should we just start killing every white person now. The person that needs to read a book is you, because youre a racist and extremely ignorant. you are generalizing a race and what i was saying in my post is with this kind of thinking changes will never be made. Its why its taken 100 plus years just to get to this point for blacks. So maybe when you die and your other ignorant friends die off the regular Muslim population wont be stereotyped so they can have a normal life too
Hey dipshit, ya I know muslim isn't a organization. I wish I could talk to you in person so I could talk really slow like you were a fukin retard. Radical Muslims are the problem. Never in 1 comment did I ever say the whole muslim community is bad, in fact, if you took more than two seconds to see I have posted numerous times that I only hold radical Muslims at fault. I have friends that are muslim, all I said was educate yourself. Let me say again so even your slow ass mind can get it in, and please read numerous times so I don't have to explain it 40 times tonight, muslims have a hell of a bad name right now. Not because everyone is bad but because radical Muslims continue to do mass murders in your religions name and I don't see anyone speaking out against it. All Muslims want to do is blame the world for racism but don't want to take pride enough to root out the problem. It's pretty simple, tell the world where these pile of shit are, they come in and deliver them to hell and problem solved. But no, they hid them and then blame everyone else for fearing a guy that gets on a plane with a rag on his head. If the Muslim community actually wanted to do something they could but they continue to give these radicals a safe haven. What do you want the rest of the world to do, drop flyers before we drop deviating bombs on their ass? You reap what you sow, you aren't going to be part of the solution don't be crying when the solution gets dropped really close to where you live.