Originally posted on 11/08/2015:

Currently Published Morrison System:
(3 point buy* all bets @ odds -185/1.54)

V1 Summary
Series scheduled: 4
Series void: 0
Series filtered out: 0
Series completed: 4
Series stopped: 0
Completed series results:
A Bets: 4-0
B Bets: 0-0
C Bets: 0-0
Unit P/L:
4 series won = +4.00 (4 ATS )
0 series stopped = -00.00
0 series lost = -00.00
V1 Total P/L = +4.00 units

V2 Summary
Series scheduled: 3
Series filtered out: 1 (#8: worst road team)
Series completed: 2
Series stopped: 0
Completed series results:
A Bets: 2-0
B Bets: 0-0
C Bets: 0-0
Unit P/L:
2 series won = +2.00 (2 ATS)
0 series stopped = -00.00
0 series lost = -00.00
V2 Total P/L = +2.00 units

V3 Summary
Series scheduled: 1
Series filtered out: 0
Series completed: 1
Series stopped: 0
Completed series results:
A Bets: 0-1
B Bets: 1-0
C Bets: 0-0
Unit P/L:
1 series won = +1.00 (1 ATS )
0 series stopped = -00.00
0 series lost = -00.00
V3 Total P/L = +1.00 units

All Versions Summary
Series scheduled: 8
Series void: 0
Series filtered out: 1 (see above)
Series completed: 7
Series stopped: 0
Completed series results:
A Bets: 6-1
B Bets: 1-0
C Bets: 0-0
Unit P/L:
7 series won = +7.00 (7 ATS).
0 stopped = -00.00
0 series lost = -00.00

Currently Published Morrison System Total P/L for the season so far; 11/1 to 11/7: +7.00 units

Morrison 1-7-5 System
All bets ATS @ odds -110/1.91

Series scheduled: 8
Series void: 0
Series completed: 7 (#8 in progress)
Completed series results:
A: 6-1-0. 6 series won @ 1 unit; 0 series stopped (A Bet push) = +6.00 units
B: 1-0. 1 series won @ 7 units = +7.00 units
C: 0-0. 0 series won @ 5 units = +00.00 units; 0 series lost @ -26.52 units = -00.00 units. C Bet total = +000.00 units
Unit P/L:
A Bets: +6.00
B Bets: +7.00
C Bets: +000.00

Morrison 1-7-5 System Total P/L for the season so far; 11/1 to 11/7: +13.00 units

* Always buy 3 points with the Currently Published Morrison System, except when the selected team is -3 ATS or greater, in which case the ML is the official bet. Alternatively, the bettor may reduce the bet amount, or buy 3 points or stop the series at that point. However, the ML result will be the official system bet for the record.

The next comprehensive Morrison statement for the season so far will be posted on Sun 11/15