Originally posted on 09/18/2015:

Yup. Too many bible thumpers claim to adhere to the good book, but their actions reflect otherwise. They behave a lot more like the pharisees in the New Testament than like Jesus. Judge not? Hardly. Render to Caesar what is Caesar's? Definitely not. Easier for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? Pshhhhhh.... And some of the ridiculous things that they cling to like quotes about homosexuality are sandwiched between laws against blending fabrics, shaving the hair above one's temples and not eating shellfish or certain kids of other fish. I would like to see a bible thumper go to a fish fry and tell everyone there that they are going to hell because the bible says you cannot eat fish without scales.

One of my favorite religious sayings is "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary use words." (St. Francis) I honestly don't think it makes a difference if you believe about Mary or the saints or transubstantiation, but I do think that hypocrisy should be met with swift rebuke, and that no one should get an exemption from that, not even Catholics.