Originally posted on 09/09/2015:

Like fuk head wussywaves is got something better to do!Hey wussy asshole, when you live every waking second of your miserable life here anyway, what difference does it make to you? You're inflatable girlfriend isn't going anywhere!

I'd be in favor of adding 10 more or bring back the fuk'in 9pm like we always had. This shit is fuk'in ridiculous, go to sign up for the 11pm, not even 4 fuk'in minutes after 7pm and its full already! If that doesn't tell SBR we need extra spots or an extra tourney, somebody must have their head up their ass as usual!

Best of luck mpas, but this site listens to suggestions like the diarrhea that runs outta bobbypuss' mouth. Shit is still shit, just more of it that looks the same.