Originally posted on 08/11/2015:

Kraky, wrongs done to your ancestors in the past can't be an excuse to be obnoxious and disruptive in the present. Drawing a moral equivalence between the two is treating people differently because of things that didn't happen to them, which is pretty ridiculous...at some point everyone has an ancestor who was wronged, so does everyone get to be a jackass, or should we just hold people accountable for their actions? As we've discussed elsewhere, it's just reverse racism at that point, no different from the fools in this thread referring to race as if it was the cause of any problem.

Not surprised that Bernie would mention the movement heavily later...his ideas might be just wishful thinking with no basis in reality, but he's not dumb, and wouldn't expect him to miss an opportunity to get more passionate people on board, misguided as they are too. Seems safe to say that you can't solve poverty by giving them everything or we'd have done it long ago, but most politicians want to try, and they'll usually find a lot of support among people whose votes are governed by optimism instead of logic and reality.