Originally posted on 06/19/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by R.P. McMurphy View Post
Kraken I'm not a gun owner myself and usually always on alert of my surroundings. Don't know if you listen to Alex Jones at all but give it a shot if you havent. Certain people who feel threatened call guys like him "conspiracy theorists" cause it has been pounded into most people's heads as a negative connotation. That's what our gov and mainstream media do is spread lies and anyone who tries to talk for real kind of gets pushed into the "nut" or even extremist corner.

In a nutshell in the wake of new events he's pointing at our leaders using certain methods and people to start and fund a race war. Has anyone been noticing the escalation in media stories about violence on blacks recently? Seriously every other day there is a new one and they use their psycho babble propaganda terminology like "hate crime" etc to push the envelope. Black on white crime also a big phenom these days with the knockout gm or whatever these idiots call it attacking whites. But where is the big media outrage circus for these "hate crimes". Idk and don't have all the answers maybe this is building toward something maybe it's not. But there is a cloudy bad vibe surrounding all this shit.
I am all for a good and reasonable conspiracy theory.
Alex Jones though? Gtfo...

Knockout game? Yeaaaaah, nooooo media outrage circus at all....