Originally posted on 05/05/2015:

The buying public are a bunch of Lemmings. A year from now, people will still be singing a tune that they won't get duped again. BUT then the media will show Pacman working out, determined for revenge. How this lost changed his life, that he lost respect for himself and disgraced his country. That this time he must win for his life, his dignity, his family after getting death threats, yada yada. People will wait until the last minute and then sheepishly buy because no one wants to not see the unexpected. Who knows, maybe he will finally do what no one else had done. Kick Mayweathers ass. People will still pay to watch. We all want to see a fight, even if it's the road runner vs bugs bunny. We love to see train wrecks, car accidents and guys getting knocked out. Even if there's a slim chance we want to at least be able to say that we saw it happen.

It's human nature...