Originally posted on 03/29/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by Shanefalco13 View Post
1) John U rarely, if ever posts plays. When he does they are usually plays that are already posted on another forum. The rest of his posts are just spreading false records and begging others to purchase picks... aka an advertisement.
2) Docs crews plays have been posted daily on this site for years. They know they cant stop it. But there used to be actual ppl posting the plays and records and talking about how horrible it was to lose all that money playing Doc's. Then JOHN U showed up and instead of all the negative/real numbers being posted... they got their daily advertisements pulled straight from the site and put onto the forum with notifications of what picks were available and begging ppl to buy certain picks. But dont get it twisted, if JOHN U leaves, all the plays still get posted. They just get posted without fake records and 3 pages of advertisement thread bumps.

You seem like a good guy, so just beware. And good luck to you too...
I see your point.... Technically you could be correct. Cutting there loss tuning a negative into a positive. Makes sense from a business standpoint. I can see both sides. GL to you too..