Originally posted on 03/12/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by sam9ball View Post
This is what angle-shooting and disrupting fair play will get you.
Perfectly said, Sam... and major kudos to you and SBR for taking action here.

We're a community... we should all respect each other and the rules, and people need to be held accountable when they show a selfish/malevolent disregard for both (as PO69 long has).

BTW... everyone needs to watch for some MAJOR soft playing that has occurred in this poker series... which of course compromises the integrity of this current contest. As anyone that knows poker knows, soft playing at a legit poker site (Pokerstars, etc) will get you banned. It HAS blatantly occurred.

Just as I provided evidence against PO69's squirrelly ways, I have evidence of clear soft playing that occurred: If SBR would like that evidence, just PM me and I'll provide it.

Again... KUDOS to SBR for doing the right thing here regarding proven angle-shooting PO69.