Originally posted on 02/17/2015:

Urban, drug addiction is near and dear to my heart. I've openly talked about my struggles with addiction here and it's been an ongoing battle. I'm now in a place where I can justify my usage and actually limit what I take daily, which is prescribed by my doctor. Drug addiction has torn my life apart more than once and I've hurt those around me much more than I ever hurt myself. I can't tell you how many tens of thousands of dollars I've wasted. I don't even want to know.

I rarely am too serious on here but I guess for me this is just something I take personal and have been through and still struggle with, although not with benzos now thank god.

I appreciate what Ghengis Kahn was pointing out (even though he missed my post) because if OP is serious, he needs a plan. Not just opinions or other people's experiences, although helpful, he needs a long term plan. He needs to know what to do if he relapses. Having benefited greatly myself from using the Ashton Manual it would be selfish not to share it.