Originally posted on 01/07/2015:

What amazes me the most is how this thread, the act of terror on innocent people in Paris IMMEDIATELY turns into - Europe is trash, this is what you get. No one would EVER do this to USA. We would kill you all and vaporize your country.

You do realize people just lost their close ones there. I ain't no mother Theresa but something is fukkin terribly wrong with your head. Only low-life degenerates would think about saying stuff like this.
And who is this WE GON DO this and that. You motherfu*ker? You are going to shoot, slice somebody up?
You're a grown ass man actin like a cheerleader. You know you'd piss your pants if this sh*t went down somewhere near you. You better hope it doesn't. I suggest you sit back, shut your mouth and think about that bs you type.
All that ''nothin like this would ever happen here'' talk. You sure pal? Where have you been livin, I have to ask