Originally posted on 11/03/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post
The only update that matters is on January 1st, until then you can stfu.
Ol' PussyBoy Tidal Waves getting a tad bit testy as the prospect of shipping the overwhelming majority of the betpoints he's been hoarding for years gets ever-so-closer!!!!

We should get a film crew to cover him January 1; it will be like an episode of "Hoarders"..... you know, the scene where the crew starts hauling all the shit outta the house, and the Hoarder (in this instance, Tidal) starts freaking the fck out, screaming, crying, and grabbing on to some old 1979 Boston album cover and a dried up chia pet in an effort to "save her shit."

With tears in his eyes, and shaking with fear and confusion, Tidal will be latching on to a few those "free play points" stackin up on a server since last year, and maybe a daily log-in bonus or two from 2011, as the rest of the shit is carried away!!!!!