Originally posted on 10/07/2014:

So back when I was in college I was a history major at UCSB. We had some sort of requirement to take African or Asian history and as a complete burnout I took African History and failed. I just never went to the class, took the final, and realized later that I had missed a mid term assignment so whatever. First and last class I ever failed.

I came to realize from friends at other schools that the professor I failed was a very well published historian and was pretty much what everyone read in any sort of African history class.

I re took his class, got an a and moved on. Until I remembered what he had said about his experience with Ebola in Africa. So I googled him today

the weird part was not about what I found regarding Ebola, but that he had an entire book on terrorist financing essentially burned because of a Saudi prince.

Anyways, i found the book for free and started reading it. I thought it was interesting enough to make a saloon post about it. Enjoy. It's called Alms for Jihad
