Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=22661691'>posted</a> on 09/24/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Keyboard Warrior View Post
this is why MD never picked up the headset on XBOX

I speak pretty eloquently and don't use any (okay, much) slang, so I don't really sound like anyone in my area. Women love Irish accents, but most of them are focking terrible.

Quote Originally Posted by Keyboard Warrior View Post
we need MD to translate what this guy is saying. No idea how that is still the english language.
Don't worry, I got this. I can understand every word that guy says, unfortunately.
Quote Originally Posted by PunisherIND View Post
holy shite! is he talking about jamaicans at 1:05?
He said "it's all over the tapes that you're making, and all the DVDs that you're making..."

He's addressing a traveller family, and apparently they like making DVDs.

Fun trivia for you guys: in traveller fights (pikies, gypsies, whatever, we call them travellers in Ireland, or "non-settled people"), there are two types of fights; a "fair go" and a "dirty go". If you ask for a fair go, it's punches -only-, above the belt, bare-knuckle. If you do anything to violate the fair go, it becomes a dirty go. In a dirty go, everything is allowed, and the fight is no longer 1 vs 1, people jump in at will and do pretty crazy shit. Sykes can probably confirm this, it's pretty uniform throughout Ireland.

If you ever find yourself face to face with these creatures and you smell a confrontation coming, ask for a fair go, then take a dive.