Originally posted on 09/15/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
fascism huh? yeah, that's what I'm worried about. Not the 17 trillion in debt, the fact this country will be half-hispanic in 30years, an open border for anyone who wants in, a worthless government supported by idiots like scumbag who think they need more of our money to spend, an eduction system that rewards failing teachers and hilliary clinton.
More than likely the debt will never be paid off. In 30 years we will both be dead, so don't worry about. From what I have read, scumbag does not like many of the people in government, on both sides. hillary clinton, and her dopey husband, are sell outs. They should not be taken serous, or hold any type of office. The worst think to happen to schools, is privatization. Education for profit, is making the problem worse.