Originally posted on 09/01/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post
Problem with loans from Tripe & DS, their requirements don't teach CS how to generate on his own. With my proposed loan & flipping requirement, CS would be forced to learn how to rollover with a 97% success rate. Putting him on the path of rehabilitation. The difference between Tripe & I: I try to educate & help people, not take advantage & humiliate people.

When he would not even take your prior advice on how to generate guaranteed points from freeplays, how in the world would you think you could successfully police your "flipping requirement" let alone that making any difference on how he acts.

If you do not think he already knows the "safe" methods to generate points, you are fooling yourself. He knows and he does not care, he would rather gamble, scam and beg to gain attention and points.