Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=22417329'>posted</a> on 08/15/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by pinchegringo View Post
He is a great capper and with his volume his winrate is great.

The most impressive part is his transparency.
he's a ducking degenerate gambler wanna be a tout . Their is a long list of burials on here and every year a few come forward and sings his praises. So , how does it feel betting 20 games on a Saturday? Must take forever putting those bets in. And how is the quality of your weekend, watching all the scores day and night. And how does it feel when he goes 7-13 , 5-15 etc! Seen it on here many times. Bet 100 a game your risking 2200. Some people shoot their load in a few weeks and the defenders come on here and say it is a grind and you will profit in the long run! BULLSHIT! Yeah he is the best on the planet LMMFAO!! No service is worth it. They all lie and lose. Learn to handicap . Most people on here that win don't brag or share and keep a low profile. I was a kid once and tried some services and always lost until I learned on my own.Doc's was the worst. Rather play my hard earned money on my own opinions then some penetrating scam artists who make their living taking advantage of people. wake the penetrate up!! True pro's only play a few games a week and there is no such thing as 4,5 7 star games of the year!!