Originally posted on 06/10/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post
Sure, it's possible to make more on your rollover grinding at a NL holdem ring game. What you conveniently leave out is the fact how much longer it takes. Those with lives who value their time are chopping Omaha, completing their rolls at a much higher % than you within minutes compared to your hours.
That part was conveniently left out because it's conveniently not true, as you might have known if you'd ever tried a ring game, or if you were able to understand the detailed explanation provided. People rolling over in ring games take longer to roll over any given balance, but in the process of rollover a decent player can earn more points in less time than the original tournament winnings, especially when playing simultaneously with a tournament. Face it bobbo, your poor assumptions about time spent in ring games don't add up, while the amount of time it takes for you to grind out a fraction of minimum wage is obvious to all. Almost as entertaining as a guy grinding 8 hours a week to make what a janitor makes in an hour claiming he rolls over faster because he "values his time"