Originally posted on 05/27/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by allang198 View Post
Every other country in the world love it!

Its the most wagered sport in the world!

It has the most fans in the world!

So why? Can yanks not concentrate that long without an ad break? Is it because it can end in a tie?

Not dissing anyone just find it unreal it never took off in a big way.

Imagine if it took off and the likes of Messi, Ronaldo etc... Came over to play in the states!
To understand the US indifference to soccer, all you have to do is examine the high school experience in America. Homecoming & cheerleaders is a socially a central part of just about every high school in the United States - and it revolves around football, 100% like the movies.

So what happens is, athletes who've spent their grammar school years playing soccer switch to football by junior high where all the hubbub is. It's totally cultural.

So football is perpetuated while soccer gets fizzes out. And this isn't going to change. More American kids have been playing youth soccer than baseball since the 1970s - and yet everybody stops (except the chicks ... and how is US ladies soccer, anyway?)