Originally posted on 05/12/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by BennyBigNuts View Post
Funny how this thread gets nominated a buttload of times, but these jerkoffs throw it in the saloon lol.
Seems to be something everyone is annoyed at and is newsworthy to talk about.
Not everyone, just butt hurt homophobes.

Funniest part is watching all you cloistered types screaming about ESPN forcing you to deal with gay behaviour, when the rest of the year you semi-nazi types on here NEVER STOP abusing black people and gays.

You love to scream your opinion around and claim freedom of speech then in a blink of an eye are demanding censorship and crying about being sickened by having to see men kiss!

Guess what Benny? The racist and homophobic diatribe forced upon us around here is FAR MORE SICKENING than being forced to see two happy people in love on ESPN... and the majority of us here put up with that daily without carrying on like babies having a tantrum.

Get a grip fool.