Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=21630677'>posted</a> on 04/13/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Redondo View Post
baffling to me people would choose to wait months to save money when you made by way of gambling.
Some of us don't need the money right away. I don't gamble my rent, fun, utility, food or gas money. So it doesn't matter how long it takes to get it if I know up front how long its going to take. I love free payouts, but when I can't get a free payout, the cheapest one is the next best option. I am sure I am not the only one in this boat. Paying someone 10-15% of MY money is not cool either, its the same reason many pay much more for an item so they can have it now(a 35k dollar vehicle ends up costing 44-45k with interest)versus delaying and paying cash, may get the car for 32k. It's no different. Some of us are not only good gamblers, but are even smarter with money.