Originally posted on 02/21/2014:

Dave you are 100% right... when ASIC told me we were moving forward I got goose bumps and then did a dance in my driveway when I hung up the phone. From the moment we found out that ASIC *might* be interested in this, I've been a walking stressball because I knew how important it'd be for us to get that final confirmation. We're approaching a million dollars owed in here alone and that's with me not even being able to access their Asian clients and with Peter acknowledging this is just a small drop in the total amount owed. This just doesn't fly here and you can bet your ass that the Aussie regulators are rubbing their hands in glee watching how poorly the GC handled this and continue to. I wouldn't be surprised to see a commercial soon highlighting that at least sportsbooks have to segregate funds here

We just need to keep at what we've been doing. It's been 2 weeks today since I went to their office... it feels like 6 months ago because of how much we've accomplished so much already. Look at what we've done together in FOURTEEN DAYS!!! There's no guarantee about any of this but instead of you all having to worry about legal fees eating into what you're owed, you now have a massive govt organisation working for you for free. Whatever happens, Peter and Graeme's reputations are ruined and will continue to be until each of you are paid every cent you're owed. Just keep every screenshot, email etc handy as I have a feeling ASIC will ask me to provide those details for each of you this week or next.