Originally posted on 02/07/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Kolotoure View Post
I don't think I would want to be building an analytical model on information that goes back any further than ~5 years
To each their own, but the basic situational trends that I use still work and I have been doing this since the early 1980s...

Newbies who don't know much about situational handicapping, in its purest form, think that the players changing on teams every few years makes a difference...I see posts on forums all the time saying "What does a score from a celtics/sixers game from 30 years ago matter? It doesn't mean a thing to today's celtics/sixers game."...

And well, of course THAT particular game from 30 years ago probably doesn't have anything to do with the situational spot from today's game...But over 30 years worth of games, there are hundreds of games that will match the situational spot from today's game...The players do not matter in situational spots...The individual team situations for the game DO matter...