Originally posted on 02/06/2014:

Obviously from my name I am Christian. I haven't always been. I was raised that way, but I fell away from believing in God in highschool and was agnostic/atheist for over 10 years. Those years were some horrible times living for myself. Yet deep inside me, I think its in everyone, knows there's something bigger to life. Theres things in life that science cannot and will never be able to explain. Quit buying the science just doesn't have the answer yet garbage. There will always be things left unanswered, the world is infinite. I remember in astronomy class looking at just how big our sun is compared to the earth, then just how small our sun is compared to another star, and just how small that star is compared to this other star, and just how small that star is compared.... on and on and on. I realized there has to be a god. Everything in the universe is in such order our mind cannot fathom every detail.

I have been going to a prestigious university for 6 years. I love to learn. But what I cant stand is professors who love to bash Christianity any chance they get. It often has nothing to do with the subject material either, but as long as they can get their little one-liners in. But I look at it objectively. Why do they do this? You can see the smirk and arrogance when they do. I have to tell you, college is a great place to learn alot about this world we live in. But its not everything. Think about it. What are all these life accomplishments: getting a degree, lots of money, a beautiful wife and family, a great job, what is all this going to mean once you die?? Why should we bother going to school and get a nice job anyways if we cant keep it but for this short life on earth that could be taken from you before tomorrow or even before you get the goals your working on accomplished? The thing that makes sense to me is that there is something after this life, something else to it. Some reason why we are all here.

Do you remember anything before you were born? No. But the study of history shows us that there was a world before you. And there will still be things going on once you die. Can I prove there is a heaven? No. Can I prove to you there is a God? No. And I wont try to. What it all boils down to is having faith. It seems silly to many and I get mocked all the time, but Ill ask you if the notion of God,Jesus, Heaven seems so ridiculous to you then shouldn't the fact that we even exist here on this earth in the first place, that I'm here typing this out and your sitting there reading it, how everything around you is here can be felt and touched, the concept of time, and EVERYTHING ELSE... doesn't this life and world seem ridiculous too?? It is. But through all of that improbability we are here.

That all being said, the debate between creationism and evolution is stupid. I've argued this many times with people who don't think outside the box. Why cant there be both? Why must one pick a side, one or the other? Its stupid that's not how life works all the time.

Heres my take: evolution is real. There is too much compelling evidence to support it that it DOES make Christians look dumb to argue otherwise. But this doesnt mean there is no God. If you do believe in God, there shouldnt be a problem believing that evolution is simply the works of God. If he is supposedly all powerful, is this too much for him to be able to create? creatures that can change over time? When you come to accept the depth of Gods awe and power and might, its not hard to believe that evolution could be gods creation.

Now on the big bang theory. There is also compelling evidence that the universe as we know it came from a single point of origin. If you study astronomy, light years and how things in the universe are drifting apart, its pretty convincing that the world came from this single point of origin. In the bible, God said let there be light. Why cant the big bang be this biblical event? I mean, once he said it, it would of had to originate from somewhere. The God answer explains what big-bang theorists cant: So what made the big bang? You cant make matter from nothing, so it would of had to come from somewhere. And when did it happen? Was there even a concept of time before it? The more I think about it , God just makes sense. He made us in his image, so we are at such a higher level than other animals, but we have limited capabilities. We are not God. We didn't create ourselves. So what or who did? And we look a lot like other apes, but if you look at the animal kingdom, there are slight variations in animals between different classes. We look similar in many ways, but also so different than chimps and bonobos. There is no other animal like us. Not even close. When you look at the world around you, the stuff we created like houses, cars, laws, institutions, TV, technology, concepts of math,philosophy, science and the arts, is there any other animal that does these things? No. We are truly a unique species set apart from the others and theres plenty of evidence to support that if you just open your eyes.

I know this was long and drawn out and my grammar isn't the best because I was typing this out quickly and not proofread for errors like a midterm paper, but Ill end with this: Science is cool, its awesome, and I absolutely love studying it. But I also know it isn't everything and doesn't have all of life's answers like many scientists would have you believe. Science is just a creation of God- he would of had to make all these principles that are the foundation of science because if there were none the world would be in chaos and not in order, or it may not even exist at all! Remember that many concepts are only theories and many have been proven wrong over time. There is nothing unbiblical about believing in science. If your that weak in your faith that thinking about evolution makes your squirm you seriously need to lighten up and think for yourself. The same thing goes for people who call religion a joke. Many atheists have never even read the bible. Now how can you make an opinion about something that you haven't even read? Go ahead and read it with scrutiny. Be a critic. I did, and Ill admit I thought it was a load of crap at first. But I stuck to it and wanted to read the whole thing just to say I did and to give me a foundation for not believing. But the more I read, I started to realize how theres so much good stuff in there you can apply to your life. Seriously even if you rejected the idea of Jesus and God but you followed the life the bible outlines for you to live, you would have to admit itd be a pretty good life. Is it easy? No. We all want to do what we want to do and dont want to follow rules anymore now that we are adults. But this life is not your own. Quit being a disgruntled atheist with no purpose in life, take the chip off your shoulder and just let go. Quit being so hard hearted and learn to be obedient. Have some faith for once and believe in something. Just because you cant see it doesnt mean its not real. You cant see the air you breathe, but are you going to deny its existence too?