Originally posted on 01/06/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by TheCentaur View Post
That is interesting and I can see how that would make Social Security solvent

Herein lies my problem with that thinking though: If we want to keep social security viable how about solving it's problems such as inefficiency and fraud?

Charging the rich more plugs a hole, while running it better rebuilds the dam
That is solving social securities main inefficiency. Not everyone is paying in an equal share of their income. That alone pays for the fraud, which I can guarantee is minimal in the scheme of things. As a matter of fact, I would contest that paying lobbyist's to lobby for a cap on social security is a bona fide fraud.

We're not talking about charging the rich more, we're charging them the same.

Charging a guy 10% is 10%, regardless if he makes $100,000 a year or $100,000,000 a year.

A lot of people are stuck on welfare whoring, because that has become a main narrative pushed by a huge interest group. It amounts to a hill of beans when compared to corporate and financial corruption.