Cmatis, I have a proposal for you. I have no way of knowing if you actually will do this or not, I mean there is obviously a trust issue but if you will do this and somehow prove you did tis I will gladly wave your offer to repay me any points at all.

First and foremost I want you to call your mom or run downstairs to your mom or whatever and tell that woman you love her.

Secondly and this is the one that I would really like to see some sort of proof of. I would like you to visit a hospital and donate an afternoon. Whatever the hospital will allow. Visit patients that have no-one or just something that will put a lasting memory of what this desease is truly like. A couple of hours seeing how this desease just sucks the life out of people might be more of a lesson than repaying ever could be. I don't want your points Matis, I want something that leaves an impression and has an effect. It's not that I don't believe you're sincere with your apology, I really don't know what I think about that but I know if you do this special request it will mean more than your words or your points ever could.

You were man enough to write this post are you man enough to take this challenge?