Originally posted on 12/03/2013:

Yes of course I meant Kentucky, not Ill. My mistake. I have a day of impulse where I knew when I woke up I was going to trail a hot pick and dump 20% of the b-roll down,.....I lost 5 figures tonight boys and the rival day saturday crushed me to pieces in college football.....I did do very well taking both the Giants and Broncos, ya.... my huge wins of tons of awesome games to take.... (and on the broncos/giants, who would have thought).....I'm in the motherfucking HOLE lately...

Tomorrows a new day. We'll bring it back. Cheer up guys, i doubt anyone took as big of a hit as i did!! I only play with 50k and I definitely lost a good 20% this weekend oh well, it's just money. We all know there's more to it than the money, or at least I do. The rush is worth it, and with that comes the feeling in your stomach when your certain picks drop. West Kent. Got smacked upside down like a MF.....I only lost 3 units on that one....I won't even tell how many units I lost on Uconn, embaressing. If 1 bill is a unit, let's say it was over half a bill of units. Christ. All good. I never usually bet over 5-7% bank roll on any particular game, but I just had the "penetrate it I need the action" type of night. Why? I'm not afraid to take risks and no risk no reward, a little stupidity and impulsive feelings, and I can afford to lose.

For those who can't, use tonight's plays and me as a DAMN good example of why not to risk 20% of your bankroll on one play. Especially when the 20% is 5 figures. Foolishness at it's finest. However, I didn't get it to begin with by not letting my balls hang and saying penetrate it every once in a while. Moral of my story, and im mostly just speaking to myself as a quick reminder, a note to self: Evolved, you are an impulsive fool. Even with confidence, you do not grow by making those moves. You are smarter than that! (smacks self)

Alright penetrate it its past midnight here its a new day, wash it off and lets get this bread back to whoever got their ass stomped this weekend like myself!

Love ya Pinny! Your picks were still great today!! If only I took the correct ones! My losses were 100% my fault, just as a note for you guys.. Had I followed him (all the way through the picks....) I would have been in the GREEN.

You the man G Keep it up, you've been doing great overall over the weekend, especially early today Maybe I need to switch sports and start following futbol instead of football and i'll see better results tailing ya haha.