Originally posted on 10/27/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by BeatingBaseball View Post
ratzz - Do you distinguish between "gambler" and "pathological gambler" in your work?

It's very similar to alcohol consumption. Some people can have a glass of win or two, and stop (and not want more)
That would be a social drinker.

A*'problem drinker'*would be a person,*who almost every time descends to the point of being visibly drunk*
(slurred words, drooping eyelids.. etc) or blacking out.
Caring only about that next drink, until drinking is no longer possible*
(run out of money, or body passes out)

A 'pathological gambler' is a person that cannot control the impulse to place a bet.
A person that cannot and will not accept the loss, and must attempt to win it all back immediately.*
a gambler that insists he is right all the time.. that advances without deliberation or reflection.

but mostly, a gambler that never takes their winnings down. A gambler that is never satisfied, win or lose.
All of those circumstances can be rationally explained.
Perfectly scientific, why some people are never satisfied.
A brain can be trained to do anything, good or bad. *

i feel as as owners of a very powerful tool (the human brain)
we have a responsibility to learn about it's functionality, and how to operate it, make it serve us, and our larger purpose.*
Otherwise our lives and goals are often hijacked by these temporary urges*that create sometimes horrible results.*

i wrote a book about it.. it's finished, just putting up the site presently.
The book was written for anyone that wanted to have the ability to interpret their impulses.
For the person whose impulses have at times led them astray (and whose hasn't?)
