Originally posted on 10/26/2013:

disgusting. Its like the people are just hamsters to the politicians, banks and corporations. You are fed what and when THEY decide.

Ya some hamsters live in a better cage than other hamsters.

This is just nice enough to fool the hamsters into thinking things like "hey, its not so bad. It could be like the cage below."

"So I better just accept it and not make trouble."

Whereas ALL people should be demanding an end to this kind of criminal behavior. The politicians, bankers and corporations don't care because no one will hold them accountable. EVER! So they think anyways. They are probably right. Just look at all the enthusiast cheerleaders for King Obama on SBR for example. Pride (or party affiliation) over reasonably. Denial at its finest. Sadly, its nationwide in the millions and not exclusive to sbr posters. Hamsters waiting to get fed.