Originally posted on 08/31/2013:

A million hands

I love guys who say they've played a million hands live.

You would have to play in between 5 and 6 years non stop to play a million hands.

You would have to play 8 hours a day, every day, for 15 or 16 straight years before you hit a million. 8 hours. Every day. No Christmas break. No holidays. No road trips. No breaks. Playing 8 hours every day for 15 straight years.

Someone like Doyle might have a million hands, but there aren't many others.

If you 4 table online for 4 hours a day, it's going to take you 2 1/2 - 3 years to reach a million. 4 tables, 4 hours, every day.

SBR only has like 3 million hands dealt total right? Yet someone here says they have a million. Alrighty