Originally posted on 08/28/2013:

I have a clue


I don't have the time, bankroll, bankroll management and emotional skills to stay the course, number of reliable outs, motivation or desire to grind it out anymore.

but most new gamblers these days are different from the old ways.

at the beginning of online gambling and gambling/sportsbook review forums you had a bunch of older, cagey, wise guys that knew up from down and knew a thing or two about a thing or two.

guys that had found and navigated the landscape of local bookmaking for years before there even was an Internet. They used newspapers and local hotspots for their lines and info.

nowadays you get a bunch of 19 year old numbskulls that love to point and click, were home schooled, and want to show their kok, muscles, and "sharpness" online for strange men.

they live in the land of pwnd or whatever it is called.


out of that crew you get guys like Zeta, Patty, and Sammy that start to get a clue and get beyond the online "will you be my online daddy for sexy times" masquerade

and actually learn some info on gambling

RIP Binar-99