Originally posted on 08/24/2013:

Good, Arun.

no1here is not a bad guy, but in his own way he is an attention whore with a martyr complex (he deludes himself into thinking he has exceptional abilities/integrity and is "above the commoner")

Meanwhile, anyone having even a cursory knowledge of his huge borrowing for christmas (?) gift cards for his grandkids (?) story knows he has plenty of his own issues.

Also, I take exception w/ the word "harassment" (I realize that's tt's description); tt has never been harassed regarding this situation... he was just being held accountable by the community at large for his numerous despicable actions.

Hopefully you get paid eventually, Arun

Quote Originally Posted by ArunSh View Post

While I admire your loyalty (or whatever it is that's causing you to make this offer), please understand something. If you send the points to buyout the loan, then that's it - I'm no longer involved with this (not that I ever tried to be, but because I was the lender I had to be). There is 0 chance I am going to return the points at some later date because some third party does something (like bumping this thread) which you find distasteful - that's completely absurd. And to be frank even if that wasn't ridiculous I wouldn't make an agreement like that on principle either - that isn't far from ttwarrior's notion about using other people's harassment of him as an excuse to avoid paying off the loan originally, and I have no desire to try to justify people attempting to use that sort of logic.