Originally posted on 08/20/2013:

Well lets not forget that blacks were slaves to the white man not all that long ago. They were also segregated in this country not all that long ago. This is all relevant and recent history. So it's fair to assume had they been given equal opportunity all along, they might not have a "ghetto" culture or score lower in test scores. They had sub par education for decades because they were black. Guess who forced this? The white man. And then you turn around and criticize them for scoring lower on tests, gtfo. Time can heal all wounds but its not for you not I to say how long that process takes because neither you nor I were segregated nor slaves. Nor targeted by the police for decades. Nor spit on for skin color.

So yes, anytime someone says anything negative about the the entire black race, it is more sensitive than other races be aide of their recent history.

Give it time. African Erican culture is slowly changing for the better. If you can't see it, then it's you that's ignorant, not them.