Originally posted on 08/17/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
Back in the 70's, liberal democrats warned about a severe global COOLING crisis. That theory was debunked so they switched their warnings to global WARMING. Now that theory is debunked so the democrats have now come up with their theory of CLIMATE CHANGE. This covers all their bases as any changes to global temperature will confirm their new theory of climate change. BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS will be spent researching climate change and our country will go further and further into debt but at least these environmental groups that contribute so heavily towards liberal democratic candidates will continue to get all of this money from the federal government. Like everything else, its an ABSOLUTE SCAM.
Global cooling can be proved wrong.
Global warming can be proved wrong.
Global climate change covers their bases!

The best is the Obamabots that argued that Global warming CAUSES global cooling. So those late summer days in Atlanta in the high 60's is actually a result of Global warming. But if it was 110 degrees in Atlanta that would also be a result of global warming! How Orwellian is that? Down is up and up is down.

What about after hurricane Sandy some stupid Democrat politician wanted to blame it on Global warming... errr climate change. They all wanted to blame Hurricane Katrina on global warming and forecasted more and more violent hurricanes. There have been less Hurricanes since 2005. Opps! Nobody is held accountable. It's all about looking cool. FORWARD!