Originally posted on 08/01/2013:

Vegas Dave?
I remember a guy w/ that handle here a few years back.
Most impressive was that he did an interview with Matt Leinert when he was a big deal back in USC.
He also went with another handle that was LA homer related to USCKINGSFAN or something like that.
I enjoyed chating with him while he was on the forum.
He also would come up with some super-junk-food recipes amd make a video of it.

I liked chatting with him about sports and on line sports gambling.
He was fair, and discuss plays.
You could talk stats with the guy.
He wasn't some troll that would boast, "Follow my play, or you're an asshole" type of capper.
The guy can carry on a good discussion about sports.
I miss that on this forum- too many a-holes on here that don't want to discuss.
Just too many guys that are like"follow me or die" attitude which brings this forum down.