Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=19271914'>posted</a> on 07/29/2013:

Gee my bad. Since I don't give a sh*t about either team I don't follow them closely. Since they have played annually from 1894-2011 I just assumed. My mistake but not as big a mistake as replying to your sophomoric thread in the first place. But let's forge on so we can all learn more from you.

You obviously have superior football knowledge than the rest of us squares so PLEASE share with us the workings of the coming conspiracy by Texas A&M football players to have their star quarterback injured. Exactly how is this devious plan going to unfold? Are the coaches in on the plot? Will it be early in the season or will they wait until their Bowl game?

This is an absolute blockbuster story! All of us wagerers THANK YOU for sharing your inside information!