Originally posted on 07/04/2013:

The pts loan is ONE YEAR old in August and the guy acts like I shouldnt be concerned with the tokens.. "I will pay you your tokens".etc.. lol.. He has had enough to pay me the 1500 or less he owes several times and he just kept gambling said worthless pts or coins...

Anyway just pay the debt goat and we dont have an issue. I dont get at what point you want me to sweat my tokens?? Should it be two years of a stiff job or is 1 plenty yet?

As far as the $20 in pts goes.. I rarely if EVER have used my pts for my own benefit in the store or something like that... I gave out 100s of loans for mere fun and found some really cool people here over the years and in the store I used many of my points towards donation mostly.. beyond that I got a poker magazine subscription and a few 5dimes fps back when... I also have lost a record Life Time Figure-106,431.44 SBR in the sbr casino ...just to show you how much I care about your thousand pts...

It is the principal and the fact that you asked for the loan, I gave it, and then you pretend its wrong of me to ask for my points back... Did it mean nothing to you with the agreement? Maybe sometime you will feel like paying it.. well time is up.. one year is just way too long because in that time you have burned through 1000s of TOKENS and never sent 1 of them......funny how continuously you care to spend enough time to take those tokens to the sbr casino/sportsbook and continue to use my pts for 10 secs of fun for yourself. Would I honestly care if you sent pts my way sometime, no.. but one year and none sent =
