Originally posted on 06/23/2013:

vBookie Event: Nik Wallenda: Skywire Live - How long to cross the Grand Canyon (TV Stunts)
This event will accept bets until 06-23-2013 at 04:00 PM
This event will pay out after 06-23-2013 at 04:00 PM
You have 0 cash and have placed 0 bet(s) on this Event.
Outcome Odds Total Bets Total Staked
Less than 34 minutes 550/100 (5.50) 0 0
34.00 - 36.59 300/100 (3.00) 0 0
37.00 - 39.59 225/100 (2.25) 0 0
40.00 - 42.59 250/100 (2.50) 0 0
43.00 - 45.59 375/100 (3.75) 0 0
46 minutes or more 600/100 (6.00) 5 110051938
Doesn't finish, falls off and wire breaks and he goes splat, etc 1550/100 (15.50) 0