Originally posted on 06/04/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Baath887 View Post
Is Anyone is using their service? they seem to have a solid record, but do they bet high juice games? What can you guys tell me about them? Thanks alot!
I paid for their General Access for 1 week, GArbage went like 15-20. So I tried their special trades (350/play) for 1 month. Went 34-22. Not even close to the 80-90% they claim. Their archives didn't record all the games either. you can make money on the special trades if you have 10,000 bankroll. They usually throw in the general access plays but they went 24-45. Everything won on Specials was lost on General Access. They don't take any high juice (usually + or close to even odds) and some parlays. Hope this helps.